
Why don't you feel sleepy after going to bed? Doctor: Doing these things well can help you fall asleep quickly

author:Wisdom Maple oYu

In my career, I have encountered many patients who feel exhausted during the day, but at night, even in a familiar bed, they toss and turn and have trouble sleeping. This may seem like a contradiction, but it is not uncommon in medicine. Today, I'd like to share some practical tips to help those who struggle to sleep at night.

I remember one time, a middle-aged man came to my office and seemed very anxious. He told me that even though he felt extremely tired from working every day, whenever he went to bed to get ready for bed, he felt refreshed and completely sleepy. After detailed questioning, I found out that he has the habit of using his mobile phone in bed, and often chooses a late time for dinner, and likes to eat heavy food. These habits are all invisible killers that affect sleep.

Why don't you feel sleepy after going to bed? Doctor: Doing these things well can help you fall asleep quickly

Learn about the causes of insomnia

First of all, psychological stress is a culprit that cannot be ignored. Work, family, or personal problems often linger in our brains, and even when our bodies are tired, our thoughts are still active, preventing us from falling asleep.

Secondly, irregular lifestyle habits are also one of the important causes of insomnia. Irregularities in life, such as working late at night and frequent activities at night, can interfere with our biological clock, making it difficult for the body to enter a state of rest at the time it should be.

Again, blue light exposure at night should not be overlooked. With the development of technology, we have become more and more dependent on electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets. The blue light emitted by these devices inhibits the production of melatonin, an important hormone that helps us regulate our sleep. Overuse of these devices at night, especially before bedtime, can cause our brains to mistakenly think that it is still daytime, delaying the onset of sleep.

Practical tips for falling asleep

Relax your body

Before falling asleep, the relaxation of the body is key. Here are a few things you can try:

Deep breathing: Lie down in bed and do deep breathing exercises. As you inhale, let your abdomen rise slightly, and as you exhale, your abdomen slowly sinks. Repeating this process 5 to 10 times will help reduce tension in the body and mind.

Progressive muscle relaxation: Start with your feet and work your way up to your head, consciously tensing and then relaxing each set of muscles. This method not only helps to relax the body, but also diverts your attention from the worries of everyday life.

Exercise appropriately

Choosing the right timing and type of exercise can be very helpful in improving sleep quality:

Avoid strenuous exercise at night: Engaging in high-intensity exercise at night may cause the body to become overly excited and have difficulty falling asleep. Choose light to moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking or yoga, which is better suited for evening activities.

Exercise time: It's best to do exercise at least three hours after dinner and before bedtime to make sure your body has enough time to cool down.

Adjust the environment

The comfort of the sleeping environment directly affects the speed of falling asleep and the quality of sleep:

Light adjustment: Use blackout curtains or sleep masks to block out outside light and create a darker sleeping environment.

Suitable temperature: Keep the temperature in your bedroom at a cooler level, and it is generally recommended to set the temperature between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Reduce noise: If external ambient noise is interfering with sleep, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine to mask distracting sounds.

By implementing these simple techniques for falling asleep, you can fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. Remember, sticking to these methods is key, and the initial results may not be noticeable, but long-term adherence will lead to good improvements.

Why don't you feel sleepy after going to bed? Doctor: Doing these things well can help you fall asleep quickly

Establish a healthy bedtime routine

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Many people know that coffee can be a pick-me-up, but they don't necessarily realize how long caffeine can stay in the body. In fact, the half-life of caffeine is about 5 to 6 hours, which means that the cup of coffee you drink in the afternoon may still affect you when it comes to bedtime at night. Similarly, while alcohol may initially make people feel sleepy, it can actually interfere with the sleep cycle after a few hours, leading to a decrease in sleep quality. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid caffeine and alcohol within 4 to 6 hours before bedtime.

Schedule your daily routine

The human body clock is very fond of regularity, and once your sleep schedule is regularized, the body clock will adjust to this rhythm. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends or holidays. This regularity will not only help you fall asleep faster, but it will also improve the quality of your sleep.

Why don't you feel sleepy after going to bed? Doctor: Doing these things well can help you fall asleep quickly

Dinner options

Dinner can have an unexpected effect on your sleep. Heavy or spicy foods may cause indigestion and affect your comfort and thus sleep. It is advisable to choose light foods such as chicken, fish, and vegetables, which are easy to digest and less likely to interfere with sleep during the night. Also, try to finish dinner a few hours in advance to give your body plenty of time to digest your food before going to bed.

By implementing these simple steps, you can significantly improve the speed and quality of your sleep. Remember, changing habits can take time, but consistency will bring lasting benefits.