
Sweet corn VS waxy corn, which corn is more suitable for diabetics?

author:99 Health Net

Corn, known as the "golden coarse grain", is very popular, especially for some people who pursue weight loss and fat loss, the elderly and people with chronic diseases. Corn is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and other nutrients, making it a very high-quality staple food choice.

However, for diabetics, they may feel lost in the face of sweet and waxy corn in the market. So, which one should diabetics choose?

Sweet corn VS waxy corn, which corn is more suitable for diabetics?


Sweet corn VS waxy corn

Which corn is more suitable for diabetics

Diabetics need to consider the nutrient content of the food, the glycemic index (GI), and the individual's glycemic response when choosing corn. Here are some comparisons between sweet corn and waxy corn:

Nutrition facts

Sweet corn: Contains more natural sugars and is relatively low in protein and fiber.

Waxy corn: Higher in starch and relatively high in protein and fiber.

Glycemic Index (GI)

Sweet corn: The GI is usually higher and may cause blood sugar levels to rise more quickly.

Waxy corn: The GI is usually low, which may cause blood sugar to rise more slowly.

Digestion and absorption

Sweet corn: May be easier to digest and absorb due to its high natural sugar content.

Waxy corn: It's easier to digest and absorb when cooked, but it's higher in starch, which may cause blood sugar to rise more slowly.

Considering the above factors, diabetics should be cautious when choosing corn. Waxy corn has a lower GI, which may cause blood sugar to rise more slowly, but it is still important to pay attention to the total carbohydrate content of the food. Sweet corn contains a lot of natural sugars, so you need to control the amount you eat and monitor your blood sugar response.

Diabetics are advised to consult the advice of a doctor or dietitian before consuming any corn in order to develop a diet plan that suits the individual's health condition. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the variety and balance of the diet to ensure that you get enough nutrients to maintain a healthy body.

Sweet corn VS waxy corn, which corn is more suitable for diabetics?


How to eat corn healthier

Corn is a healthy staple food, but to ensure that its health benefits are maximized, it should be cooked and eaten correctly. Here are some suggestions to make corn consumption healthier:

Choose whole grain corn

Try to choose whole-grain corns as they contain more fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Steamed or roasted

Steaming and roasting are healthy ways to cook corn because they reduce the extra oil use and preserve the corn's nutrients. Avoid frying or using a lot of fat to cook corn.

Control portion sizes

Even if it's a healthy food, too much intake can lead to extra calorie and carbohydrate intake. Be careful to control the amount of corn per meal.

Pair with other foods

Pair corn with other proteins, vegetables, and whole grains to create a nutritionally balanced plate.

Pay attention to the seasoning

Corn may be cooked with some seasonings such as salt, pepper, herbs, or other low-calorie spices. Avoid using too much sugar or high-calorie sauces.

Pay attention to blood sugar responses

For diabetics, pay attention to the glycemic index (GI) and total carbohydrate content of corn, and monitor the glycemic response after consumption.

Sweet corn VS waxy corn, which corn is more suitable for diabetics?


What are the whole grains besides corn

Suitable for diabetics


Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which helps control blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. It can be used as a breakfast cereal or in soups and salads.

brown rice

Brown rice is hulled rice that contains intact germ and bran layers and is more nutritious than white rice. Brown rice boiled rice has a harder texture and takes a longer cooking time.


Quinoa is a complete source of protein, but it is also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins. It has a low glycemic index and is suitable for diabetics.


Buckwheat is high in protein and dietary fiber, as well as minerals such as iron and zinc. It can be made into buckwheat noodles or eaten as porridge.


Millet is a nutritious whole grain that contains dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It can be used as a staple food like millet porridge or small rice.

Black rice

Black rice is rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, which are beneficial for heart health. It is also high in dietary fiber, which helps control blood sugar.


Coix contains coixin, a natural antioxidant that is beneficial for blood sugar control. It can be used as a soup stock or boiled into barley porridge.

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